Sweet as Sugar

Hello there stranger! I'm just a random girl who's getting back in touch with her creative side. I REALLY miss personal pixel websites offering hand drawn web material to visitors so I wanted to make something similar in my own style. Everything was drawn by me unless I state otherwise!

Mini blog:

I want to create a pixel dollmaker in the future- if I can achieve that goal I will be soooooo happy you have no idea. It's going to be hard firstly because I'm not that good at coding and secondly I'm quite self critical and I will keep thinking my work is shit so lets hope I can overcome that. I also would like to post some recipes one day & I might need a proper 'diary' or 'blog' page.

My 4 day break is almost over! Went to the beach, bought new perfume & made a lot of progress with my pixel art! I have tried to follow anyone I could find on Neocities who still does the whole toybox and pixel adoptables thing. I've noticed theres not that many of us on here :( or maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places? Anyway, I encourage anyone reading this to create some cute lil pixel art LOL.

I'm mostly busy with work during the week, but now I have the next 4 days off so I'm already drawing up some pixels. Working on new smaller pixels as I'm not that happy with the ones I made so far and I want to make more blank buttons because they're so fun to make even if no one uses them :P